
What Happens If Your Auto Accident Injuries Far Exceed Personal Injury Protection Limits?

Law Articles

If you've recently been injured in an auto accident, you may have been far more focused on your physical injuries (and what it may take to recover physically) than on the legal or financial aspects of your claim. Unraveling the "who pays?" question can often be both a literal and a figurative pain in the neck, and financial and insurance matters may be the last thing you want to deal with when facing physical difficulties.

26 June 2017

Dog Bite Injuries: What to Do If You've Been Injured By Your Neighbor's Dog

Law Articles

Were you recently bitten by your neighbor's dog? You may never have expected that the dog would come and attack you. Did you know that over 350,000 people who live in the United States end up in the emergency room as a result of a dog attack each year? Unfortunately, it is not uncommon for these kinds of attacks to take place. Now that you were attacked, you may be suffering from a serious injury.

21 June 2017

3 Things To Know If You Are Facing Insurance Fraud Charges

Law Articles

Being charged with the crime of insurance fraud is a serious issue, and you will need to hire a criminal lawyer if you are in this situation. Insurance fraud costs people and insurance companies money, and it can result in serving time in prison and other punishments if you are found guilty. If you are currently facing charges for this crime, here are several things you should know. What is insurance fraud?

23 May 2017