3 Things You Need To Know To Help You Avoid Overpaying In Taxes

Law Blog

With tax season fast approaching many people are wondering what they can do to save money on their taxes. If you constantly are owing money on your taxes each year, you should consider making some changes so that you don't get hit so hard when it comes tax season. Here are some things that you can do throughout the year to help you avoid owing money on your taxes. 1. Withhold More Throughout The Year

15 December 2016

2 Ways An Open Adoption Can Help Enhance Your Child's Life

Law Blog

When you decide to adopt a child, you have to decide what type of adoption you want to engage in, an open or closed adoption. This is a very important decision because it is not only going to impact your life, but it is going to impact your child's life as well. When you choose an open adoption, your child's birth parents are able to stay informed about what is happening in your child's life and is able to possibly see and have a life-long relationship with your child.

28 September 2016

Common Negligence Claims Between Tenant And Landlord

Law Blog

Problems between tenants and landlords appear on a regular basis. It is one of the most common reasons for people to go to a county court, and many of the claims are due to negligence. Knowing the most common negligence claims between tenants and landlords could help you—both as a tenant or as a landlord—to make sure problems don't arise in your home. Injury Due to Poorly Maintained Elements Injury claims are among the most popular, usually because the landlord has failed to maintain a particular element in the property.

3 May 2016

FAQs About Avoiding Deportation

Law Blog

If you are facing deportation, it is important that you take action immediately to avoid being removed from the country.  Depending on why you are being deported, there are several options available to possibly extend your stay. If you have received notice you must leave, here is what you need to know.  What Is in the Deportation Notice? The notice you receive regarding the deportation usually contains a date and time to attend an interview at the Canada Immigration Enforcement, or CIE, office nearest you.

8 February 2016